
Comments for this entry So Far:

mk - 2006-08-07 03:14:53
omg! i am gonna have to read this a few times and...think about it! wow! someone else had a dream about me last night...hmmmm :)
A or D depending on the mood. - 2006-08-07 16:57:36
i seem to remember someone ordering tiramisu for dessert at the dells...and there was a pool there... hmmm...
flying-kiwi - 2006-08-08 04:14:45
Terry Pratchett has a character called Susan Sto Helit, she's Death's (as in the the tall skinny guy with the oldtime farm equipment) Grandaughter. She says that she "Remembers the future". I think that's a cool way to describe De Javu. Dreams can be pulled apart and put together all wrong...let's face it, MK driving a school bus can only be a metaphor for...nah, I won't say it...hee hee hee!

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