
Comments for this entry So Far:

flying-kiwi - 2005-11-01 01:41:10
There's something very teddy bear about you sw. Cute, warm and friendly and always there (I'd say "cuddly" too, but I'll leave that for Boomer, as I wouldn't know).
Kiosh - 2005-11-01 03:00:11
Well, I hope everyone gets better and that your dad's thing go well. And to you, me dear friend, I send a big special hug and much love. - On a kind of selfish and cold side note: Have you given any thougts to the guest entry thing? Let me know! =0)
mk - 2005-11-01 03:55:49
omg, thaks for the pic of scotts grave. i wish i had known him better, was so fun to make him smile when i'd say how cute he was...that smile was amazing. i've looked and i dont have a screen capture of him, hehe and i have hundreds from awc, haha! i'll have to look again...but i do have that one that was posted after he died... sounds like a great weekend, can't wait till i can write about mine! 81 days! :)
Boomer - 2005-11-01 23:16:31
I agree, was another amazing weekend. I always leave sad, but try to remain positive, I said try...LOL Love ya, Smooches!!! Oh, btw, yes Kiwi, cuddly is a good way to describe.....MMM M MMM!!!

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