
Comments for this entry So Far:

fire-eater - 2005-07-03 23:11:12
I had to comment...those on the outside never want you to tell them the truth if it upsets thier world..if you want to live life then "YOU" have to break that seal no on is going to do it for you and Man there "is" someone(Boomer) waiting for you when you free your self the questions is : "What the hell are you waiting for ? A kick in the pants" hugs you know I love ya
fire-eater - 2005-07-03 23:12:57
I had to comment...those on the outside never want you to tell them the truth if it upsets thier world..if you want to live life then "YOU" have to break that seal no on is going to do it for you and Man there "is" someone(Boomer) waiting for you when you free your self the questions is : "What the hell are you waiting for ? A kick in the pants" hugs you know I love ya
KtownBear - 2005-07-03 23:32:03
Well that is thought provoking to say the least. I think all those questions have to be answered only by the person needing the answers. Only then will they be answered for 'you' and no one else. You can't do any of those things for anyone but yourself...only you can know what's right for you. Big hugs my friend!
mk - 2005-07-03 23:50:43
Boomer - 2005-07-04 00:39:53
It's time to answer all those questions! Smooches!
Jamie - 2005-07-04 01:42:29
Glad to see I'm not the only existentialist here. :-) Great entry! Muah!!!
Ki:os-h - 2005-07-04 02:25:10
Wow... So amazing and true and beautiful and...! *Sigh* =0)

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