
Comments for this entry So Far:

mk - 2005-03-31 02:42:56
hmm, maybe a blowjob from a shrink...kill two birds, etc? :)
mackaj - 2005-03-31 05:42:14
when you find a shrink that does all of the above, pass his number on..... :P)
Jamie - 2005-03-31 05:47:43
Skip the shrink. I'll blow you and listen to your problems for FREE! :-O Did I just type that out loud???
consciense - 2005-03-31 06:34:31
I will hold you but forget the is more important to me and you know I love ya
flying-kiwi - 2005-03-31 14:58:13
Oh you are so right about the mind being a ferocious thing. And since I'm so crap at controlling racing thoughts myself I'd have to recommend a shrink. In your particular situation maybe mk's idea is the best one, lol. I can't believe Jamie wrote that, he's not even a qualified therapist! ;o) XOXOXOX
consciense - 2005-04-02 20:39:09
ok ok i will give the blow job quit twisting my arm
Jamie - 2005-04-03 06:01:09
I can't believe Jamie wrote that either. What a slut! Hey! Wait a minute! *I* wrote that. Well, in my defense, sw-iowa is hella cute, so, :-P

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