
Comments for this entry So Far:

Jamie - 2005-02-19 02:34:59
Where have you been? I linked that on my blog a few days ago! ;-) There was also a segment on the today show about him. (You can watch it at the MSNBC site) Anyway, the song is called "Dragostea Din Tae" by Romanian band 'O-Zone', if you are interested. Catchy little number I must say! Take care sweet thang!
xoxox - Jamie
consciense - 2005-02-20 10:48:41
missed you !!!! this seems the only way I can keep up with you....keep your head up; plus it helps with sinus drainage. LOL hugs you stud
Jamie - 2005-02-20 15:37:57
I didn't understand either one of your comments... Were they cryptic? Subliminal messages? ;-)
flying-kiwi - 2005-02-21 17:54:38
I hope your sinus thing is clearing. And I promise not to break the rules about pointy or stingy things again :o) XO

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