
Comments for this entry So Far:

conscience - 2004-11-27 17:14:06
You say you want to change .....but what do you want to change ? Your job ? your friends? your location ? your image ? Just because you change it does not mean you have to leave the old behind...instead of saying you want to change why don't you say "I am going to enrich the life I already have by doing these things...I am going to eat healthier...I am going to put myself out there and take a chance...I am going to explore job options...I am going to think of the possibility of moving .....I am going to let someone love me because I am worth it and deserve it.....
k - 2004-11-28 19:17:38
another great entry, thanks!
Boomer - 2004-11-30 06:16:36
Damn Sw! Have you been secretly picking what little bit of brain I have left??? My thoughts exactly! It was as if I was reading my own thoughts in print. Don't worry, it was not a pity party. I question my life the same. To get to that next stage in the game, we have to be willing to take the first steps, not just keep pondering on the What if's, and If so's. I feel for you, you know I am going through the exact samething. Everyone keeps telling me to keep my chin up, things will work out. I am glad they are so sure, because I am not. Big hugs and kisses!

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