
Comments for this entry So Far:

kstyle - 2004-10-12 03:55:00
aww you're a good son! hope you liked my email, for your eyes only...keep those fingers crossed, please!
keeter54 - 2004-10-12 04:04:40
Hello handsome, How weird to see my nick in your diary. Made me titter. It was a good read but it made me feel sad to know that you have been sad. I can't ever imagine you being so forlorn. I hope that things will work out for you as you are a great guy. Take care and be good :)
consciense - 2004-10-12 20:14:42
Finaly finaly are far from BORING and I think you have finally found what to hell to write I laughed outloud I sympathized and I longed to sweep my arms across Iowa and say you got it my man you got it. keep up the entries as far as the email remember the room is made up of many people and we can't please them all.....Hugs

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