
Comments for this entry So Far:

kstyle - 2004-09-26 02:20:37
sw, that was beautful...i wish i had known scott better, but i DO remember him as a real sweetheart...that smile lit up the screen, thanks and hugs!
rlo - 2004-09-26 10:25:21
Thanks, sw, I didn't know Scott from AWC, but personally. He was a gem among men and will be missed by all of us. I sat with him often during this illness, and his passing away brings both pain and peace. I saw him shortly after his passing and the expression on his face makes it so clear he has found that peace himself.
George C - 2004-09-26 10:33:13
B, I want to thank you for your wonderful words and the comfort you have given me. We all will miss Scott a great deal. As ks so aptly states, his smile lit up the screen. Big Hugs!
sw-iowa - 2004-09-26 13:47:16
Thanks guys for your comments. I feel for you. I am thinking that rlo is Rich but not sure. If it is or not God Bless You for being with him during that time. I'm so glad he had some one with him. Someone to comfort him. Someone to maybe hold his hand, rub his arm, or give him a squeez. All things a few of us would wished to do. Hope to maybe talk with you someday. Please drop an email sometime if you don't mind. If Scotty liked you I know you are a good person. Hugs Hugs Hugs
Eric the Red - 2004-09-26 17:50:50
I, too, enjoyed chatting with Scott, through the not so good times as well as the good. Such a tragic ending for a young man. May his family and friends be comforted and may Scott rest in peace!

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