
Comments for this entry So Far:

fightn4life - 2007-08-08 23:29:26
Loved your banner and had to follow it, love your writing. I too love the storms, watching them that is. I keep my Diary locked as my life is unstable?? Right now and I am cautious who might read. If you would like you can request pass word user name under my notes in my profile. Enjoy the storm, and I had to tell you I liked your banner. :) Sandyz
fightn4life - 2007-08-08 23:36:46
Opps, you can't get through on the dairy land link to my profile... you will need this one. We both like Stephen King and are small town folks. I used to live in Bedford PA, now we live in the Ozarks, top of a mountain, well for now "we" do. You're a interesting writer. Sandyz

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