
Comments for this entry So Far:

mk - 2005-05-25 02:19:12
hmm, interesting. hope all is well soon! MK
Jamie - 2005-05-25 14:18:54
Kiwi is a riot. I love her to shards! Hope all is okay. xoxox - J
flying-kiwi - 2005-05-25 17:26:01
What's a shard? lol. Hang in there buddy. Look after yourself first okay. XOXOX
flying-kiwi - 2005-05-25 17:26:04
What's a shard? lol. Hang in there buddy. Look after yourself first okay. XOXOX
KtownBear - 2005-05-25 17:26:23
Hey bud! It's difficult to want to help and not be able to or not know how but that does not mean you're worthless. Sometimes all you can do is show support (and I know you are good at that) while others work thru it. Big warm hugs my friend!
Kiosh - 2005-05-25 18:55:24
Hope you feel well really soon, mate. Everything will be alright and fall back into place, you'll see. I totally understand what it feels like to want to help someone and feel you're not able to or to actually be unable to, but the important thing is that you care and that one must let things take their own way. You really care and that's very important. And always think of yourself, too. Much much love and big hugs! =0)

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